Double Lunch has a huge crush on  Cups N Cakes. They are a bi-weekly music podcast playing mostly Canadian independent acts with an emphasis on the prairie cities. Each episode is comprised of meticulously crafted eclectic music sets and tomfoolerous banter. It is the most well researched podcast there is.

Guests have become a regular occurrence on the show with appearances from musical acts Napalmpom, Jom Comyn, Counterfeit Jeans, Concealer, Doug Hoyer, The Zorgs, Motherhood, Jesse & the Dandelions, Slates and Little You Little Me. Interviews aren’t only reserved for musicians, the podcast has also brought in people involved with music in other ways such as Craig Martell from Double Lunch Productions, Chad Brunet from CJSR, Kris Burwash from Listen Records and a music therapist. 

In existence for nearly three years, the podcast is a necessary listening experience for music fans still interested in discovering new music.



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